Friday, February 8, 2008

Toothless Wonder

Remember this pic from Tues? I know it looks like she lost her top tooth but it was really her bottom tooth that came out. See, her top 2 teeth were wiggly & like all kids she kept messing with them with her tongue. Thanks to all that messing around the gap that was in between her 2 front teeth shifted over & it looked like she was missing her top tooth. Still with me?? I tell you that little nugget of information so I can move to the next pic.....

See?? It's really the bottom tooth....look close.....closer.....squint a little if it helps

Today after Gymnastics she's eating an apple & tells me how loose her top tooth feels. I tell her biting into the apple should help move things along. Sure enough a minute or two later it falls out! There's some bleeding like normal & she rinses her mouth a few times & all's good. She didn't freak out with the blood at all. She was thrilled at her newest loss! Her 2nd tooth in a week!! How weird is that? Her other teeth that she lost seem so long ago.

So then she tells me how the other top tooth feels wiggly too but not as wiggly as the other. I tell her biting into the apple should help move things along....wait I'm having some deja' vue!! This time nothing happened. So now she's got this weird gap in her teeth. There's a space from the missing tooth then a tooth then the space she created with her tongue. Can you picture it? It wasn't pretty. I kept thinking of old timers with a single tooth in their mouths or one of those Rugrat cartoon guys with only 1 tooth. Not pretty. I was almost hoping the other tooth would fall out too.

I had some (LOTS) of laundry to put away & the girls follow me upstairs --I can't shake 'em!! LOL!! As I walk from room to room putting clothes in closets & drawers I notice Marissa's sitting over her bed messing with the other top tooth. I told her to get off her bed in case she does knock it out & she bleeds all over her partially white comforter. She grabs a towel from the bathroom to soak things up should things get messy & I go back to my laundry. A few minutes go by & I'm on the phone talking to Joe about dinner & secretly tell him that she lost her tooth but to act surprised. After that I call in our pizza order so I can "focus" on the laundry....almost as soon as I hang up guess who comes strolling in with another tooth in her hand?? This chick...

Wonder if the Tooth Fairy leaves a bonus prize for most teeth lost in a single


laura vegas said...

now the other day i did think it was her top tooth she lost. lol! how crazy that she lost both the top ones in the same day! although i think my oldest did loose her's a day apart. she looks so cute ... i love when they have that big gap on top!

and i do think the tooth fairy offers a discount for multiple teeth lost at the same time ... but i'm not so sure the kids are ok with it! lol!

dlyn said...

Our older daughter used to just rip them out once they got loose enough to bug her at all - made her bleed like crazy! Hey - tagged you on my blog this morning - have a great weekend!

{Susan...Seriously.} said...

she's so cute! we haven't done 2 in a day, but in a week. you have to make her say a lot of "s" words, like snake, and super, silly, etc.=0)