Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Office Supplies

Am I the only person that LOVES going into Office Supply stores? I had to go to Staples today for some things & found myself looking at desk organizers, file folders, & stuff. The whole time I was thinking "How can I use this for Scrapping??" Is it a sickness? Is it weird?

Am I the ONLY one who does this???

As a kid I LOVED playing school with my big sister, Marie. We would set up our desks as if we were corporate officials working in an office, by all the office-y things we "had" to have. Call us nerds, we were.

To this day I still have my file folders organized in different colors. For some strange reason I have a desk drawer full of sticky notes in an array of colors & shapes. I have a whole drawer in another file cabinet full of office supplies.

Need calculator tape? Check.

Need index cards? Check.

Need paperclips? Got those by the bucket load!

Need notebook folders? Got 'em.

Need a pencil case to fit in your notebook? No problem!

Need tape? Of course I've got that too!

The only problem is I don't have a calculator on my desk....anymore.

I don't write reports that I need to write on index cards....yet.

I can't imagine the amount of papers I would need to use all those paperclips.

But when my girls need them for school (real or otherwise)--I've got 'em!


laura vegas said...

i was just in staples over the weekend ... checking out storage stuff and thinking how i could use it in my studio. lol!

and definatley save those index cards ... reports, reports ... can't get over how many reports we've done this year! lol!

{Susan...Seriously.} said...

me too, me too!