Tuesday, March 2, 2010

In the Backyard....

One day when everyone was out, I was washing some dishes in the kitchen, looking out the window I spotted something odd. I was sure my eyes were messed up so I went to the window to get a closer look.

Something was watching me!!!
See that spot in the middle of the trees? Taken from inside the kitchen window....
I couldn't believe it---there was an OWL in my backyard!!! I went outside to get a better look. He went from small & puffy to defensive looking. So weird!! By the time I went back inside & looked again he flew away. My brother-in-law Danny, looked him up & said he's a "Screech Owl".

I named him Hooter. Marissa named him "Hedwig". (she's been reading "Harry Potter") Joe calles him "Sandwich". (just to bust her chops! LOL!!)
Then about a week later, Joe & I were sitting at the kitchen table talking after dinner when I spotted my feathery friend again! He was in a different tree this time & it was twilight out so the pics aren't as good as the first time. Taken through the window....
Again I went outside for a better look.....the whole time I was worried he'd fly at me with that long beak of his!

I love how he changes from small & puffy to this. The color is so pretty too an orangy shade.

Since seeing this guy I can truly appreciate all the "owl" scrap products that have been around. I keep checking the trees to see if he comes back. Wonder if there's a nest nearby.

Or maybe....he's sending me messages from Harry!! LOL!!!


Valerie said...

Wow! I'd be worried too Sara - they are cute on scrapbooking product but I think as far as birds go, they don't mess around! lol!! Great pics!

Carla said...

pretty yet FREAKY ;)