Friday, October 3, 2008


We sort of skipped September in the Fall at our house this year. I used to be on the ball & have the house decorated for the season just as it started. Things change appparently.

This year after waiting on a certain male occupant of the house, who shall remain nameless & is currently sick, I finally got all my Fall/Halloween/Thanksgiving decorations out of the crawl space.

Why must I wait on the male occupant of the house to go into the crawl space you ask?

Cause it's creepy to me!!!

It's not really creepy so much as dusty but you have to crawl around on your knees (hence the name crawl space--duh!). I think my problem (one of many!) is that creepy feeling of being so defenseless should anyone (like my kids or sick husband) get sick of me & want to lock me in there!!! Just note if I haven't posted in awhile it just might be because I'm locked in the crawl space, so check there first!!!

So yes, now I can say we are totally ready for Halloween. The decorations are up & the weather is all "Fall-ish". We have officially turned off the A/C & last night Joe turned on the the house!! Get your minds outta the gutter people!!

(oh wait it's just me alone in the gutter-sorry!!)

Just be forewarned....
when you come down our street looking for treats...
at our house...
on Halloween...
you'll find me there....
and my family will tell you......


1 comment:

{Susan...Seriously.} said...

heehee! we need to put up our this time of year!