Friday, May 17, 2013

Project Life 2013 Week EIGHTEEN

Week 18 was a pretty un-eventful week. 

When most pics aren't of "us" and just "things" I get a little bummed.  Yes these things are part of our lives BUT I want to have more of US in the album.  I keep trying to explain this to the girls as they run away when they see me taking their pics. 

I tried having the pics in the larger pockets and have the journaling in the small pockets somewhat.  Tried mixing it up that way.

I had a few pics I wanted to include for Friday so I just added them to the small pockets and kept the background color the same to have continutity.

I feel like I just dialed this week in.  My mojo was nowhere to be found, but as I always say "It's done and in the book!" 

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