Friday, February 7, 2014

Puppy Randomness

The puppies have taken over the house.  Though sometimes their space gets invaded as well.  Marissa loves to crawl in their space with them since it's a nice warm spot!  Piper could care less, as long as you pet her.  Riley however, was not amused.

Riley has taken over this couch in my scraproom, and was not about to let the basket of clothes stand in her way of a comfy place to nap.  Of course, after taking this shot, I took the basket away so she could stretch out.

Riley and Piper are truly BFF's.  Even in their sleep they hold paws!  So adorable!

Gianna requested to watch Hercules with me in the scrap room.  Riley was not impressed.

They took over the couch in my scraproom.  My house is going to the dogs!!

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