1. I had this pic laying in a pile to scrap.
2. Looking at it the MM 5th Ave collection came to mind so I pulled that out to play with.
3. Then I remembered a LO of Laura's that she did with this paper. (Can't for the life of me find a link to the LO--sorry)
4. I remembered how our pics sorta matched, so I printed out the smaller 2 pics to add to it.
Added a bunch of buttons & stamped a journal spot for my journaling. Been really into handwriting my journaling lately...not because I like it just because it's faster & easier than breaking my concentration to go to the computer (it's in the other room) to journal...then I'd end up on Facebook & not get my journaling done! LOL!!
So there you go 4 degrees of separation!!
ETA: Thanks to Laura for the link to her original LO!! You can see it here!
how cute is her dress! totally goes with the 5th avenue collection! this turned out so cute! btw, here's my original:
I agree with Laura, super cute!!
Fantastic page!!! I love your snapshots! Too sweet!
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