Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12 on 12 December

Is it really 12-12-12 already??  I am so happy that I decided to do this monthly project this year, of all years.  I mean 12-12-12!!  It's the last time we'll see something like this in our lifetime!  How cool is that??

The day starts with Zonko lounging in the Button Tree forest.  He must be taking it easy today.

Of course on a day like this the weather needs to be recorded.  The Swackett app is a fun to do that.  Makes me wish I had a pink coat.

12-12-12 at 12:12pm.  I set an alarm on my phone so I wouldn't forget.  HA!

Gotta find a spot for all the everyday stuff while the Christmas decorations are out.

Been slowly getting Christmas cards in the mail, today was a 3 letter day!

Gianna kept me company while we waited for Marissa at the orthodontist.

Saw someone on Instagram post a crazy bokeh effect of their tree by taking a picture while moving the phone.  Love the whirly effect of the lights!

Gianna wanted all sprinkles.  I needed a giftcard.  Marissa wanted two donuts.  Guess what I almost left without buying?  I am losing my mind!

Marissa went with green bands for her braces in honor of Christmas.  She likes to match the holidays.

If you see me drinking tea, then you know I'm not feeling good.  Marissa shared her germs with me.

How I amuse myself & the girls every year.  Elf yourself is now a free app.  GO ELF YOURSELF!

Love Adam Sandler on the 12-12-12 concert for Sandy relief.  "Sandy screw ya!", LOVE IT!!

Almost sad to see this end, but it's been a fun year!

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