Sunday, December 30, 2012

Benigno Family Christmas Party 2012

Every year my side of the family gets together for a Christmas party.  We are all spread out but from each other, but we always manage to get together.  This year was my turn to host and we numbered around 25-ish people.
This is my cousin Maria, my sister Maria, me & my sister Connie.  We have a LOT of Maria's in our family.  My father was the oldest of 4 boys, three of them had a daughter named Maria after their mother AND my mom is a Maria!  Like I said LOTS of Maria's.

Out of 4 brothers, there were 12 cousins and NOW there are A LOT of little ones running around. 

All the ladies, 4 original, 2 additional, all family.

My Aunt corralled all the families into family group shots.  Mine (on my camera) came out a bit blurry, but I hope to re-take some before the tree comes down.

We got all the kids together for a group shot before they opened their Secret Santa gifts.

The kids were all happy being together.  They did a lot of this during the night.....but we all had fun.

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