I guess it's pretty bad when your husband calls you a slacker for not updating your blog. ;)
Life has been pushed into FAST forward lately. Lots going on, some fun & some bleh. Since my mind is a fuzzy mess, I'll try & narrow it down....
We took Marissa to the oral surgeon for a consult on her upcoming surgery. He was so good & explained everything to us all, answered any questions & told us what to expect. Marissa is still very nervous about it but we keep reassuring her that she'll be fine.
We planned for all this to happen in April after our trip to Disney for Spring Break so that she can have a last hurrah before the braces go on. She's just anxious to get it started so that she can move on with it already. I don't blame her a bit. The only problem is she's scheduled for all this the same weekend as Gianna's Communion. I am going to be a crazy momma for sure that week!!
Joe & I bought an excerise bike, to be delivered soon.
Last week Marissa woke up in the middle of the night puking ALL.NIGHT.LONG. I dozed on a corner of her bed because she wanted me there & felt so bad for her knowing there wasn't much I could do for her except hold her hair & rub her back.
In the morning she felt better but not 100% so she stayed home of course. By the next day she was better but she had run a slight fever the night before so I just kept her home. It was Friday & she could recover over the weekend.
Saturday, we got delivery on the exercise bike. I was told the time of delivery would be between 10-12. I was up & getting ready to shower real fast when the doorbell rang at 9:30. I tried looking presentable enough to open the door & the delivery guy asks if they woke me. Nice.
It rides really nice & apparently I can ride close to 9 miles in an hour. I think we'll be very good friends.
Monday was St. Joseph's Day, so I bought Joe some special "St. Joseph's Day pastries". That's about how much we celebrate it though.
Wednesday, Gianna was complaining that her belly was bothering her but I sent her to school anyway, since Joe said she had been fine earlier. By 12:45 I got a call from the nurse saying she was still complaining, so I picked her up. Of course, after laying on the couch & watching TV for awhile, I saw her acting completely normal & threatened to take her back to school. So what if it was 2:30 & school gets out at 3:05????
I do believe she wasn't feeling 100% because MY belly had been feeling funny since Sunday too. I just sucked it up & moved on. No calling my mommy. HA!! :(
Shortly afterwards we had the kitchen designer that designed our kitchen come to the house. WHY?? To measure my Scrapbook Studio!! We're using him to do the work that we decided on. I'm getting excited NOW!!! I've got the plans he drew up & really like how he took our ideas & put it on paper.
Anyway by that night I was downing Pepto....lets just say that I was getting more familiar with my bathroom than I cared for. We'll leave it at that. So do I believe Gianna wasn't feeling great? Absolutely. Luckily for her that's all it was.
By the next day Gianna & I were feeling much, much better. After I went to work, Joe & I took a ride to a carpet store to find something I like for my studio. I had some samples from Home Depot just for ideas but the salesman led me around until I found something I liked.
Friday I took the girls to do a little clothes shopping...for Marissa mostly. That girl keeps growing faster than I can handle! She'll be 11 in May & the girl wears a LADIES size 8 shoe!! Lord help me! She just laughs.
This weekend is one of the first in a long time that we have nothing "planned", but we've got things to do around here. Before I know it, it'll be time to pack for vacation. I'm not complaining, but why is it crazy busy sometimes & others you're looking for things to do?? I believe April will be a test of my sanity....Wish me Luck!!!
Sounds like you've got a busy month ahead! I can't wait to see your studio when it's finished! =)
Whew! That made me tired just reading it!
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