We went out last week to buy assorted candies & I had to make the frosting, while the teacher supplied the "gingerbread" (graham crackers). We were given instructions on how to build it & got busy. We had to wait 5 mins in between adding the next wall so we goofed around playing "thumb wars" & taking pics.
Once the house passed inspection, we went to town! We both love this sort of thing, where there's no wrong way of doing things & no grading, just FUN!! When we were done our hands were sticky, the floor was a mess & we made a SWEET house...not to mention a wonderful memory!!
that is a really cool project for school! Wish we had something like that!!
how fun is that? i am thinking i'm going to forgo the making of the gingerbread house this year unless the kids specifically ask for it. it's such a pain and i end up doing most of the work and it takes for.ev.er. however, i think if they did it in school, they'd be all into it. i'll opt for homemade cookies instead.
hope that you had a wonderful thanksgiving!
We used to do this at my son's old school. Miss it. House looks great!
so wonderful, I can't wait to work on ours
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