Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas Party After Christmas

Every year my side of the family has a Christmas party. We do a Secret Santa for all the kids.

Every year there's a chance that our Christmas party won't even be in December!!

There have been a couple of years that we've come close & then there was the year we couldn't all get together until February! This year we had it planned for the 21st. Unfortunately, it snowed so it got canceled. Due to everyone's schedules we ended up having it today at my Aunt & Uncle's house.

Here are all the kids excited to open their presents but not allowed until we got pics!! Yeah we pretty much tortured them!!

After the group shots, I prolonged the torture & got individual shots of each kid, but just to keep this post sorta short I'll just share my two.

Here are the cousins. Our fathers are brothers (they're 2 of 4 brothers), both our fathers had 4 kids. Follow? Here we are from L-R: Me, Carmela, Chet, Marie, & Maria (missing are 3 cousins).

Yes both my sister & cousin are named Maria, to further confuse everyone my other sister Chet's real name is Maria Concetta. So technically there are 3 Maria's in this pic...and yes there is another cousin named Maria from another Uncle, not to mention my Mom's name is Maria as well as my father's mother!! It was loads of fun growing up, when we were ALL together & someone would call out "Maria"!!
BTW....have I ever mention my real 1st name is Rosaria??
Yeah bet you couldn't tell we're Italian!!

Here's everyone give or take a kid or two.

1 comment:

{Susan...Seriously.} said...

these are great fun pics! i really hate that i'm so far from my family! my kids won't have these kinds of memories unfortunately. lucky you!!