Just got back from vacation at Disney. Have a lot to share--lots of pics of course, but that's a whole other post! ;)
Sometimes I find it hard to believe that it's been 4 years since I started blogging. I never thought I'd blog as much as I have (yes I know that doesn't include recently!!). I know, I've lost the blogging mojo, but some days I feel like it all gets said between Facebook or Twitter or there's just not much to say. Then there are days that I could talk for hours. Just depends on my mood, I guess.
All in all, I appreciate everyone that stops by to visit. Whether it's the loyal or the casual--I appreciate your interest in my life.
Sometimes I wonder if I should call it quits & close up the blog. I think, "No one out there cares about my life. They don't know me." But then I didn't start this blog for the comments, I started it for me as an outlet about my life. There are lots of blogs I read about people I don't know that I now know so much about them & consider them friends. And sometimes I feel like I'm just talking to myself (and I do that quite a lot), but for those out there that actually stop to read--THANK YOU!!
In honor of my "blog-o-versary", I have a box of scrappy supplies that need a new home. Some stuff I've been purging that I've outgrown & needs a new home.
So if you're interested, leave a comment telling me something about yourself.
It could be the book you're currently reading, the awesome new app on your phone, what you like to search for on Pinterest, your favorite scrap tool, what kind of posts you like to see here.
You'll think of something.
I'll pick a random number & post it on Friday after settling back into regular life. ;)